Pictures - Finally
Well, finally, a few pictures from our trip to Israel. Thanks for your patience. I'm not sure if it's due to jet-lag or the fact that I got about six hours of sleep in the last 48 hours of our trip that has had me down for the count the last couple of days. Regardless, it's good to be home and fun to look back at all that I saw. So as to be clear, the description of the picture is above the picture.This was our amazing team right before we checked in at the Minneapolis Airport. See how fresh we all look? I'm just glad we didn't wait to take this picture on the day we arrived home. Let's just say, it wasn't pretty.
Caesarea Maritima - If you're going to build a city, you need water. King Herod had this aqueduct built around 4 B.C. so that a city could be established in an otherwise dry region (if you don't count the Mediterranean Sea, that is.
Caesarea Maritima - Another view of the aqueduct. Our guide kept saying it had "no cement, no glue." Somehow, this always brought to mind the little bottles of Elmer's glue. Do they still make that?
Caesarea Maritima - This amphitheater is part of King Herod's Masterpiece city. There was actually another level of seats above the ones you see here. They were moved by the Turks to build a new city. You know, because it's so much easier to move an amphitheater than it is to build new.
Caesarea Maritima - Part of King Herod's private palace. Nice view, huh?
Meggido - This ancient city is believed to be over 5000 years old. Eighteen different civilizations have lived on this mountain. It overlooks the Jezreel Valley where it's believed that the battle of Armageddon will take place. King Solomon added the city gates and stables about 3000 years ago.
Meggido - The round shaft to the left was an altar from the Cannanite times which, if I got this straight, was near when King David lived. But, don't quote me on that. I was pretty wiped out from the heat and jet-lag at this point in the journey.
Meggido - I'm standing in the water works tunnel shaft built by King Ahab to supply water into the city so if it was under attack the residents could get water without going outside the city gates. It's 30 meters long (about 32 yards) - amazing really, considering when it was built. Oh, by the way, this picture was taken right before I almost passed out.
Nazareth - at the Church of the Annunciation. See where all those people are looking? That's where they believe Mary's house was located and she heard from the angel Gabriel; unless she heard from him at the well. One of the two. Apparently, young Jewish women didn't do much else other than stay home or get water because they believe that Gabriel spoke to Mary in one of these two places.
Nazareth - Inside the Church of the Annunciation looking through the Jerusalem cross towards the altar.
Nazareth - Just as we were leaving the Greek Orthodox church that covers "Mary's well" this priest came out to do services. I would post a picture of the well, but you know, it's a well. Picture it - stones shaped into a round hole - money at the bottom. BUT, it may be the well where Mary was standing when she was visited by the angel, Gabriel. If indeed, he visited her at a well.
Tel Dan - Headwaters of the Jordan River. Tel means archeological mound and this particular mound is the region that the tribe of Dan, one of the 12 tribes of Israel, was appointed to after the Israelites crossed into the promised land. (I think - pretty sure I got that part right. Check it out in Joshua 19.)
Tel Dan - this was a beautiful park preserve in addition to being the land where the tribe of Dan ended up.
Caesarea Philippi - This is where Jesus asked Peter "Who do you say that I am?" (Matthew 16:13-19)
Capernaum - Why did I post this picture? Just because I like it.
Capernaum - I believe everything in this picture was from the 4th Century A.D. (with the clear exception of that metal supporting post that I was tempted to edit out.) It's built on top of the synagogue where it's believed that Jesus healed the man possessed with a demon. (Luke 4:31-36)
Capernaum - This the the site believed to be the home of Peter's mother-in-law whom Jesus healed. (Luke 4:38-39) A church has been suspended over it and from the inside there is a glass "floor" that allows you to look down inside.
The Mount of the Beatitudes; though I'm guessing it didn't look like this in Jesus time. Still, it was a beautiful spot.
John and I both loved the Sea of Galilee. I didn't realize it then, but John's dad had told him about when he went on the Sea of Galilee 15 years ago which made John that much more excited to see it.
By now, I'm sure you're tired of looking at pictures. I know I was tired at this point on the trip. Amazingly, we've only made it through day one and two. I'll post more pictures in another day or two and give us both a chance to rest in the meantime.
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