Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Baaaaby!

I can’t believe it! My baby boy is 21 years old today! How did this happen? He was just born! As with all of my kids, I can still relive the entire birth story for you, but I won’t. Scott’s birth, however, was the most adventuresome. Suffice it to say that he was born as John was parking the car in the hospital parking lot.

Our little Scott, though never really little, is now six feet tall and cracks us up nearly every day, not always on purpose. He’ll be spending his 21st birthday in Portland where he attends college. We miss him like crazy and can’t wait to see him at Christmas!

Scott, being the youngest by five and a half years, spent many hours watching his big brothers’ athletic or musical events. And, he spent a lot of time in the car as I ran the other kids to and from said activities. He always managed to stay entertained, generally not with the actual game or concert taking place. And, if he was ever too bored, he would just goes to sleep. That trait has actually served him well through his entire 21 years.

We are grateful to have him in our lives, and even more grateful that he knows Jesus and his serving Him well. Happy Birthday, Scott!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Scott!!!