Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A standing ovation. . .

Generally speaking, standing ovations crack me up. At the end of every concert, regardless of who is performing, the "star" says good night and walks off the stage. The audience erupts in applause and comes to it's feet, encouraging the performer to reappear and do a couple more songs. Of course, the "star" reappears and continues the performance and everyone in the audience is excited, with the possible exception of those who are really tired, or who have to leave to take the babysitter home.

Today, I wanted to give a standing ovation to a different type of star. A real hero in my book. At MOM's group at our church this morning, it was announced that Nancy Dickey had returned from a one-year stint overseas in service to our country. I don't know Nancy well. We've talked only a couple of times, but I remember how sad I was when I heard that she had been called into active duty, which required her to leave her family (a husband and 3 kids.) I don't know that I could have done that when my kids were little. I'm sure she missed a lot of ball games, concerts, and just plain fun with her family in her effort to protect mine.

I don't know what stopped me from my standing ovation this morning, but Nancy, I thank you, from the bottom of my heart. You, and the rest of the service people, regardless of where they serve, are my heroes. Whenever I see you, remember that there is a standing ovation going on in my heart. You are a true "star!"

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