Sunday, August 9, 2009

Going with the Flow

Well, as is often the case in foreign countries, the promised internet access didn't work. So, I'm updating quickly at a cafe with free internet service. Tomorrow we start the trip home and will spend the night in Stockholm. Hopefully, the internet service at our hotel will work and I'll be able to post a complete blog. My plan, knowing that you won't have time to read an entire week's worth of entries at one time is to upload one each day for the next week or so.

For time's sake, suffice it to say that this has been an amazing trip. Details and pictures to follow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While I did miss you and can't wait to hear about all the details, in a way I'm glad to hear that internet connection wasn't working. Perhaps this was God's way of saying that you needed to focus on being there and present in the work that you were doing for His kingdom. The computer may have been a distraction that perhaps you didn't need while you were there. Can't wait to see you and hear about your amazing stories!

Love you!